The 'Action Plan on Diamond Open Access' was launched in March 2022 by a group of organisations who want to further improve the efficiency, quality standards, capacity building, and sustainability of Diamond Open Access. It focuses on alignment and the building of common resources and aims to support the creation of an inclusive worldwide community that is equipped with the tools to strengthen existing Diamond Open Access journals and platforms, and to increase their visibility.
This initiative works towards a scholarly publishing infrastructure that is equitable, community-driven, and academic-led and -owned, to enable the global research community to take charge of a scholarly communication system by and for research communities. It therefore welcomes all researchers, organisations, disciplines, and journals who share its vision and ethos to endorse the Action Plan.
Endorsing the Action Plan does not entail any financial commitment, but makes you part of the Diamond Open Access community and engages you in the creation of conditions that will strengthen the sector. An overview of endorsing persons and organisations will be publicly available.